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Walking the Offa's Dyke Path

Day Eight: Trial by hobbling

More than half way to their goal

Our determined hikers set off this day to continue their 12 mile walk from Brompton to Welshpool. They were now more than half way to their goal of walking the entire length of Wales along the long and beautiful Offa's Dyke Path. The good news was they had only to walk 12 miles this day much less than the previous day's 15. Plus the path had only two steep climbs unlike the five or so they had encountered the day before. They were in heavy rain for just an hour; the rest of the day was filled with light drizzle. Oh summertime in Wales.

Ernest hurt his left knee skiing before setting off on the hike. Adjusting for the pain and the long hours of walking had caused plantar fasciitis to develop in his left foot. Plantar fasciitis is very painful and was wearing on Ernest, but he hobbled ever onwards. The two hikers pushed on through the very wet, but magnificent green scenery of the Welsh countryside.

Magnificent green scenery of the Welsh countryside

Finally they arrived at Welshpool a quaint little low-lying town in Powys, Montgomeryshire. The River Severn flows through the little village. In England the place was initially known as Pool, but its name was changed to Welshpool in 1835 to distinguish it from another English town called Poole. Welshpool served briefly as the capital of South Powys.

Welshpool's Long Mountains served as the ultimate fortresses for defense in the times when the town was just a swampy marsh. However, the place was devastated by the forces of Owain Glyndwr, in 1400 at the start of his rebellion against the English king Henry IV. Owain Glyndwr was a Welsh ruler and the last native Welshman to hold the title Prince of Wales. Today the Long Mountains are part of the Offa's Dyke Path long-distance footpath and the National Trail Glyndwr's Way.

Our hikers were very glad to reach their destination this day and to partake in what had become a tradition of hot tea and cake. They took great solace in drying out from the very wet conditions they had endured. However nice these few comforts were, they were both beginning to really doubt if they could continue their walk north. Would they ever see the end of the Offa's Dyke Path.?

Join the intrepid hikers as they continue their adventure on the Offa's Dyke Path.


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