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Destination Australia


Day One

Julia and I lifted off across the deep blue Pacific for the tropical lands of Hawaii. We have no idea what exactly happened, but we ended up in the first class section of our flight. We took full advantage of the extra space, comfy chairs, and pampering by the wait staff. My only malfunction so far on the trip was the complete failure of Xbox Video. Anticipating many hours of boring flying I thought I'd downloaded several videos to while the time away. But, Xbox Video simply did not understand that I'd spent good money and time downloading the said videos and would not play them. As my good friend Joe would say: a luxury problem.

Island green

Waters warm

Shining sun so high and hot

Sky deep blue

We're missing you

But not much

Day Two

Le ahi, or Diamond Head its western name, is a giant crater formed in a single volcanic explosion over 100,000 years ago. Today it is a small hill that rises 761 feet above the deep blue sea below. It was a 4.5 mile hike for Julia and me from our hotel at the beach to the summit of this amazing bit of natural history. The views of the hinterland of the island and the alluring shores were amazing. But, even more fascinating were the number and odd types of people climbing to the summit like ants climbing an ant mound. The heat of the day made us sweaty, but we were soon back in the azure Pacific cooling off once more.

Icky Wiki, Wiki Woo Who

Le ahi is a groove who

Nicki Dicki Icky Ye Ha

The beach is a kicking not a whoa

Tomorrow we leave a for Sydney Towni

We'll miss the summer timei

But then we'll be with friends

Day Three

Fresh fish everywhere you look. If you want to eat great seafood Waikiki is the place for you. From sushi to amazing cooked fish feasts it's all here waiting for you. Of course every morning one is faced with the inevitable horror that is the American hotel buffet breakfast, but fortunately for us we were not far from a Starbucks where we obtained good coffee and something a little more like food. Oh well, we are now at the mercy of someone else's food. All we can hope for is harm reduction.

Fare-thee-well, island paradise

We leave you behind us today

For your beaches are bathed in the suntan lotion of the brown

We came care-wore tenants from the mainland so far

Where the sun seems to sleep beneath the peace giving cloud

And the good always tremble at the ocean's cold seas

We leave our calm habitation with thee

Say empire of sun, we thou let us be?


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