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Backpacking the Big Sur

Ventana Wilderness

Pine Ridge Trail

I guess you could say Julia and I have the travel bug, bad. As soon as we returned home from Australia we just had to go backpacking the Ventana Wilderness, Pine Ridge Trail to the Barlow Flats campsite in the Big Sur. Well let's face it life is very short so you'd best make the most of it while you can.

We stopped in Monterey Bay on our way down to the Big Sur and enjoyed the seals, seabirds, and sea otters here. This bay is a wonderful place and before us humans had arrived and polluted and fished it out, it must have been even more amazing. Once again, enjoy it while you can.

Next day we drove down the lovely highway one to the Big Sur Station where we began out two day backpack in to the redwood forest. This was supposed to be a practice hike for our mega backpacking trip on the Rye Lakes 40 mile loop in the Sierra Kings National Park in August. We wanted to test out our new 2 pound tent, our water filtration systems, and discover if we could hike 8 miles in a day with 40 pound packs on. We did indeed get to test all of these things and at the same time explore the Big Sur forest. Let's say this was not one of the most beautiful hikes we've ever experienced, but it was enjoyable and all our tests were successful.

When we got home we found our permit to backpack the Sierra Kings National Park in August had been revoked due to wildfires in the area. This was a great disappointment to us both. However, we've substituted a two night three day backpacking trip in the Desolation Wilderness near Lake Tahoe instead. Let's hope there are no wildfires up there.


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